Sunday, 30 September 2012

Severe Storms

I don't mind admitting that last night I was a little scared!

The skies had looked threatening all day, and I had missed the only downpours of the day by visiting a grocery store and a coffee shop when they occurred  completely by chance!  Having seen these downpours, I wasn't too worried.  Both were short sharp bursts of rainfall....... but what do I know about Kansas weather?

I arrived in Chanute (KS) to rest up for the evening and the skies were looking a little ominous.  Undeterred I set up my tent and went about my daily routine, digging my clothes out to have a shower and get changed.

As I was a little concerned about the weather, I asked a fellow camper what the forecast was (she was 'camping' in an RV so had a TV at her disposal) and was told it was probably just a few showers nothing to worry about.  As the storm clouds grew ever closer I decided to seek a second opinion and was told there was a severe weather warning in place.  The gentleman I asked said it was probably just a bit of rain, but I should be prepared to leg it to the nearest toilet block if things got a bit windy and we had a nice long chat about what the weather can do in Kansas.  

After that chat I took the decision to check into a motel! 

What a decision that turned out to be.  The storm did hit Chanute and brought with it 80mph winds and 'quarter sized' hail stones (about a 10p piece for my UK readers).

I have to say, watching that storm unfold outside of my motel room, I was quite shaken.  If I had taken the first piece of weather advice I had been given I would have been waiting out the storm in a public toilet whilst praying all my kit was not blown away!  There is nothing to say my tent and kit would not have survived, infact I have every confidence my tent would have survived; but I don't want to test that theory.

As for tonight, I am again in a motel in Pittsburg (KS).  The morning forecast had the possibility of severe storms mentioned and I was shaken up enough that a secure room was worth the expense.  But today has been  a very British weather day.  Combine that with the rolling green slopes of Eastern Kansas and I could be back home again.......just need to remember to keep on the right hand side of the road!

One thing that yesterday's storm did bring home is the work of ShelterBox.  This is not a plea for more sponsorship, but an honest recount of my thoughts.  Whilst sat in my motel room with the power cut out, it made me realise how lucky I was to be sheltered from a storm and the realisation that some people can do nothing to avoid the force of nature in those situations.  Some of the people ShelterBox reach are hit by storms just like those and lose much of their worldly possessions.  It was a very emotional moment for me and one that will stay with me for some time.

The forecast for the next few days appears to be storm free, but I will probably be getting wet.  Urgh.

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