I have previously blogged about my feelings on the journey in front of me, and I predicted I would be 100% terrified and 0% excited about now. I am sat typing this blog post with a glass of cider in front of me and the Olympics on the TV and, as it stands, I am probably 75% excited 25% terrified (the cider may be taking the edge off, but those figures are near enough!).
Holly has her baggage!
There are two reasons I think I am so calm about the journey ahead; one is the preparation I have done. Those who know me personally will be aware that I am quite a laid back person and can come across quite "half arsed" about a lot of things, but with this trip I have had the bit between my teeth. I am packed and ready for my train to Cornwall in the morning and I have a pile of bits to pick up before heading the the states (i.e. my passport!).
The second reason is I have been planning this trip for so long, I just can not wait to get out on the road and start cycling! I know there are good days and bad days ahead, and very good day and very bad days too, but after 2 years of dreaming followed by 12 months of planning, I am now ready to put the rubber to the tarmac, so to speak.
So tomorrow I get the train to Penzance and on Wednesday morning I will set off from ShelterBox HQ in Helston on my way to the USA, where the adventure will truly begin. I hope you'll e-join me (by reading my blog!).
I may have been a little bit quiet on the blogging of late, but I have been busy. In the past couple of weeks I have arranged two fundraising static cycles, a quiz night and a raffle. Add to that all the planning required for living on a bike for three months and also trying to find a new job when I return from the states, I've had a busy couple of weeks!
Static Cycle The first fundraising event was a static cycle in Nailsea (my home town). A static cycle consists of me sitting on a bike and pedaling for hours at a time with a few mates roped in for company. Not the most exciting cycling I have done! However, the time seemed to fly by as the donations steadily rolled in and lots of interested passers by asked about my journey.
The best bit of the whole day? The feeling of finally being on my bike and cycling for ShelterBox. One step at a time, I'll move somewhere soon!
Quiz Night and Raffle
The quiz night was held in my local pub, the Richmond. Team names were to have a reference to cycling or the USA and round included "Cycling" and "The USA", although the names of the rounds may have been a little misleading..
I have never arranged a Quiz Night or a raffle before, and hope to have a bit of a break before doing it all again, but thought I would share a few of the things I have learnt:
Make your pub quiz easy so people feel clever;
Start selling your raffle tickets more than 10 days before the draw;
Selling raffle tickets is slow progress as everyone wants to know the plans for the USA;
Allow time if you intend selling raffle tickets at work!
I'd like to extend a big thank you to those who donated raffle prizes (in no particular order):
My Mum
Bristol Zoo
Taunton Leisure
Dave Gorman
Skinners Brewery
Pizza Provencale (Clifton)
I'd also like to extend a massive thank you to all my friends and family that have taken part in the raffle and quiz night, ultimately I wouldn't have raised anything without you guys!
So what did we raise!? Raffle: £867.00 Quiz: £124.00 Collections: £340.35